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Site Hydrology / Pond Design
CCC worked with Southern Civil Engineers Inc. and Kimley Horn to engineer two large, wet stormwater treatment ponds for the Avalon mixed use development in Alpharetta. We coordinated with prior designs by URS, and studied a watershed of over 1,300 acres to ensure no adverse downstream impacts from the development.

Stream Restoration
Sugar Hill Road Stream Restoration
CCC developed the hydrology, hydraulics, and construction plans to restore 200 feet of stream in Rockdale County Georgia, to prevent erosion from undermining a road. We worked with the Army Corps of Engineers and Georgia EPD for wetlands and stream buffer permitting.

Stormwater Vault Inspection
O5 Buckhead
Most urban development sites in Metro Atlanta have stormwater infrastructure measures in place, which must be inspected annually and maintained. CCC uses OSHA confined space entry protocols to inspect underground stormwater vaults such as the one at O5 Buckhead.
While CCC also designed this particular vault, we inspect underground and above ground stormwater best management practices for any project site, be it recently developed or old, engineered by us or anyone else. Some vault cleaning companies will offer to inspect these for free, but they have a monetary incentive to recommend expensive cleaning procedures that may not be necessary.

Educational Services
Half Moon Seminars
CCC conducted an 8 hour seminar for Half Moon Seminars, for PDH credits for engineers and architects. The attendees learned the basics of rainfall, the history of stormwater engineering projects, modern regulatory frameworks for environmental protection as they relate to stormwater, and finally watched a full demonstration of stormwater hydrology routing techniques from start to finish.